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Authentic Taoist Master Priest, and Head of the Zheng San Feng Sect of Taoism, there aren’t many of those, in fact, only one. His name Yun Long means “Cloud Dragon”. An awesome name, but one that might take a little work to live up to!

Dressed in black Taoist Robes and formal Taoist Hat, Yun Long looks anything but ordinary. Yun Long has a deliberate, slow and precise way of moving. You get the impression that even though we may have interrupted his meditation, he decided to continue it anyway, and just converse at the same time. Yun long is very present. His gaze penetrating and direct, Yun Long silently projects power and authority. His deep voice resonates with the kind of force that would earn him a fortune doing Hollywood voiceovers. When answering questions he is obviously a clear thinker with a classical education and considerable culture and class.

He’s not easy to meet even if you are in the Wu Dang Mountain area!  Our interview was one of the high points of the trip. The Wu Dang area is developing rapidly and the main historic mountain area has mostly been turned into a developed park and nature conservation area. At the outside of this area is a special economic development zone that is undergoing rapid development. In this case, rapid development means constructing lots of hotels, sword stores, martial arts schools and a new competition arena. There are dozens of schools and at least fifty sword stores. How all the stores stay in business is a wonder to me because they didn’t seem to have that many customers even with a huge tournament in town. However, many of martial arts schools where full of live in, full time, students both domestic Chinese, and foreigners, from all over the world. Access to the mountain temple area is restricted to vehicles with special permits. This reduces the traffic, pollution and wear and tear on the roads and mountains.

Yun Long has two schools, one mountain office residence and a cave. One school is a larger public school with 300 full time live in students in the center of town, the other is a smaller building where he lives and teaches his disciples and closest students very close to the gate to the mountain reserve. His office in the temple is small and modest but it is on Wu Dang mountain. People who have caves, are not that common in the modern world. Especially people who like their cave, and are not trying to leave it and move into a house. Yun Long is rather the opposite; but, more on that later.

Our interview was conducted in the small school. As we finished our interview another film crew showed up who wanted to do a local news/internet report on our visit and interview of Yun Long. For our last question they filmed us, filming our interview. It was interesting to both be recording the news and being the news!

The main content of our show and website, Fightlife TV, is looking into the lives of martial artists of all types. It is a lifestyle show.  So we are not really focusing on individual fights, or events, but rather how do marital artists train, live, eat, and think about their art. What is the lifestyle of different martial artists of all styles. We asked similar questions to all of the masters we interviewed. How did you get started in martial arts? What is your typical day and martial arts training currently like? Can you relate a story, or experience, that illustrates how you learned the meaning, or essence, of Kung Fu from your master?  What single quality do you think is the most important for mastering Kung Fu? What advice do you have for the professional fighters, police and soldiers who have to use the martial arts skills frequently? These questions give each master a good direction to share their insights with us. For the actual interview we will share that with you as soon as it is edited.

One of the most enjoyable and interesting moments of this interview was when Yun Long was discussing his typical day. He replied, in the morning he would meditate and practice himself. In the afternoon he would write, or socialize to promote Wu Dang. In the evenings he would either teach his students, or again socialize. He explained that now he had to do a lot of socializing, especially meetings and banquets, but he didn’t really like it that much. Then he added, but it was a lot different on the mountain in his cave and sighed wistfully. We had to ask: How so? What was it like on the mountain?  He said his cave was secluded, no electricity and without distractions, so it was much better for his personal cultivation, including mediation, and Qi Gong. Then, he could walk a short ways and practice his martial arts, or hike on the mountain. It was quiet, beautiful and a perfect way to practice Taoism. He couldn’t wait to get back. He had spent three years in seclusion in his cave from 2007 – 2010. (mind you it wasn’t totally primitive, he had it tricked out with a small warmer meditation and sleeping chamber and other necessities.) He was planning to teach for three years and then to return to the cave for several years. Fightlife TV Executive Producer Mike Rhine reacted with total surprise looking like “What? He wants to return to his cave?!?  Wow…”  So different from our modern American minds! Downwardly mobile? Pro-asceticism for real?

The actual interview is very good, look for it soon! For more information about Master Zhong Yun Long or on his Academy please check out his website at: www.wudangsanfengpai.com

( fromhttp://fightlifetv.net/2012/02/id-cave-modern-life-taoist-high-priest/  by Sifu Jensen )







    采访中最有趣的时刻是云龙道长谈到他每天生活。他说上午一般都是自己打坐,锻炼;下午他会写点文章或者做些社交以推广武当武术;晚上一般教学或者做些社交活动。他解释说现在不得不做这些社交活动,尤其是一些会议、宴请,但他实在不喜欢这些东西。然后他补充说山上山洞里完全不同,说到这他惆怅的叹了口气。我们问他这是为什么,山上又是怎样的呢?他说山洞远离尘世,没有电,没有干扰,因此更适于个人修炼,包括冥想、气功。然后还可以出来散散步,爬爬山,练练功夫。那是一种很安静很完美的修道方式。他已等不及想回到山洞里去了。从2007到2010年他在山洞隐居三年。(须提醒你并不是完全原始的生活方式,洞中有一个打坐房间,一个卧室还有其他一些生活必需品。) 云龙道长原计划出来教拳三年再回山洞隐修几年。Fightlife电视台首席制片人Mike Rhine对此非常吃惊,“什么?他想回到山洞里?哇...”完全不同于现代美国人的思想!一种倒退?现实中的苦行主义?

现实采访很精彩,快来看吧!要了解更多钟云龙道长以及他的会馆,请访问网站: www.wudangsanfengpai.com

(文章来自:http://fightlifetv.net 作者 Sifu Jensen)